
Create Your Course

Complete this form to generate your course sales page – get creative!
Upload Image
Image size is 300px by 200px.
Upload .jpg, .jpeg or .png no
larger than 2mb.

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Your title goes here. 40 Chars max.
Your subtitle will appear here. You have a 100 character limit!
0hrs video
Generate Course Page »

Your Course Title Goes Here

This is where the subtitle will go. It has a maximum character limit of 150 characters.
Upload Header Image (1500px by 382px)

Course Introduction

Upload a course introduction video to help explain what it is you're offering. Video must be 720p minimum with a maximum upload of 1GB. Try to record your video at a widescreen (16:9) ratio.

About This Course

Write a quick course description and outline what your students can expect to achieve by taking your course. The best descriptions tell a story. 

What You’ll Be Creating

This section is where you can show-off exactly what it is that your users will be creating. This will be the course END RESULT. It is your chance to impress! You must upload 3 images. If your course isn’t design based, you are still able to show your users what you’ll be helping them to learn/create by screenshoting the final outcome.

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« Basic Info
1. Upload header image & course intro video     2. Write course description     3. Show users what they’ll create