Build a beautiful iOS App from Scratch

Learn how to build your first iOS App from start to finish in this 4 hour intensive course
Purchase Course ($45)

Course Introduction

About This Course

Developers are harder to find than ever before.

I realised this because I had an idea for a product.

I waited for years hoping to find that magical person who would build it for me. But I never found that person. So finally I took a friend's advice and started learning Ruby on Rails, one of the hottest new programming frameworks for building websites. I was amazed at how EASY it was to actually code, but also how HARD it was to learn using most of the online guides I found.

This course is made for total beginners - don't worry if you don't know what the command-line or a text editor is! I’ve trained hundreds of students, many of whom have gone on to become developers and build their own products.

See this Mashable article featuring some of the sites built by students of this class. I also personally respond to any questions my students have, so there's no worry about getting stuck or not knowing what to do.

Purchase Course ($45)

What You’ll Be Creating

Lecture List

Section 1: Getting Started
1. Introductory Lecture
2. Preparing your workspace
3. Tips & Tricks: Starting Quickly
4. Lorem ipsum dolorae caporium 
1 page
5. Creating your application wireframe 
6. Excreteur artis scriptoriae
Section 2: Progressing Further
7. Introductory Lecture
8. Preparing your workspace
9. Tips & Tricks: Starting Quickly
10. Lorem ipsum dolorae caporium 
1 page
11. Creating your application wireframe quickly
12. Excreteur artis scriptoriae
Section 3: Advanced Mechanics
13. Introductory Lecture
14. Preparing your workspace
15. Tips & Tricks: Starting Quickly
16. Lorem ipsum dolorae caporium 
1 page
17. Creating your application wireframe 
18. Excreteur artis scriptoriae
Section 4: Getting Familiar
19. Introductory Lecture
20. Preparing your workspace
21. Tips & Tricks: Starting Quickly
22. Lorem ipsum dolorae caporium 
1 page
23. Creating your application wireframe quickly
24. Excreteur artis scriptoriae
Purchase Course ($45)

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Course Info

4 hours of video content
826 other learners
96% reviews
Free Completion Certificate


Jonathan Smithson-Coxwell
16th May

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.”

Barry Scott
13th May

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.”

Sally White
10th May

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.”